Church-Wide (Online) Prayer Meeting
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March 25, 2021 @ 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Online by Zoom
Prayer is our most powerful tool and we desire to come together to pray as a church family. Join us for our next online prayer meeting.
We plan to keep our prayer time to about an hour and our meeting format will lead us through the following four prayer topics:
- Worship/Confession
- Church
- Missionaries
- Prayers for one another
Please remember the following guidelines:
- We encourage you to join the meeting a couple of minutes early, so we can start promptly at 7:30 pm.
- Please keep your microphone muted at all times unless you are speaking.
- You can keep your video on or off, whichever you feel most comfortable.
- With a larger number of participants on the call, please be considerate of others, giving everyone an opportunity to share, if they desire.
For those of you unfamiliar with Zoom, here is some general information:
Zoom Guide for Joining A Meeting.
On the bottom left of your screen, are the buttons to “Mute/Unmute” or to “Start/Stop Video.”
Along the bottom of the screen, you can also access the “Chat” feature, if you need to communicate that way.